Thursday, January 10, 2008

33 Things On and About Me

According the poll in the blog (if you search hard enough ... it is somewhere in the bottom left corner of the page - unless it got expired, then too bad!) , 50% (considering only a total 2 people have voted thus far - anyway thanks!, deeply appreciate both of you) wanted to know more about me.

So, instead of me spinning a "Long-Before-Your-Time" tale, I thought a savvy survey would do it. Before you thank me for my creative genius, this survey was extracted from a Friendster bulletin (people always to brag about themselves indirectly) and guess it would tell you a lot about me indirectly and hopefully will bring you back to this blog indirectly often (I am crossing my fingers!). So without further nonsense from me, here is the survey:

1. What do you think of the most when you are alone?

Dreaming about myself being rich and successful; hosting a talk show. In short, living the high-life which I hope is good.

2. When it is a rainy night, what do you do most of the time?
You can do SO many things. Rainy days are a great excuse for most activities. I just simply prefer to go out in the rain walking under the umbrella next to a friend or by myself. However, I usually end up either sleeping or fixing the best cozy meal for myself.

3. When was the last time you were out?

Just now, I went out of the gate to see the non-existent man with the axe after going to out to the mall.

4. What do you do when you see a full moon?
Just check whether it’s a new moon or an old moon. I simply don’t feel anything by the moon.

5. Would you rather swim in the lake or dive in the ocean?
Tell you what; I will swim in the nearest swimming pool. When I see a lake, I remember SUPERNATURAL and oceans remind me of JAWS. Anyway, most of the lakes and oceans are too polluted to be swum in the first place. So, PEOPLE DON'T POLLUTE! IF WE ALL STOPPED OUR BAD HABITS, ONE DAY PEOPLE LIKE ME CAN GO SWIMMING THERE AND IT WOULD BE A BETTER WORLD TO LIVE IN!

6. Who would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee?
Me and Myself. I LOVE coffee too much and I will probably drink the other’s coffee, so it is SAFER for you that I am to be alone with my coffee.

7. If you'll ask yourself a question now, what would it be?
Why am I telling my sinful side to the WWW?

8. If certain things in your life fell apart, what will you do?
Pick up the pieces and move on to be better than before. PERIOD.

9. Favorite month/s?
December and March (just because a VVIP was born then).

10. When your friends forget you, what will you do?
A tough one … Well, there are always so many other fish in the sea and friends who forget you were not your friends in the first place.

11. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes and I’m PROUD of it! Helps me to calm down, think clearly and creatively plus solve a lot of problems and plan my day.

12. Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
To be in KL with a friend. I am addicted to that place.

13. Would you like to have a chocolate right now?
NO! It seems weird but I don’t like chocolates. To be honest, I only eat chocolates when there isn’t any other better food around.

14. Ever cried for something stupid?
People only cry for stupid things. Tears are far beneath the pain of serious issues. Stupid things; yeah when I was little, I did cry all the time for things like drinking medicine and stuff.

15. Do you like anime?
If the story is good, why not? Pokemon counts, right?

16. How about Japanese music?
What is Japanese music??? (Blank ... blank)

17. Do you have a girlfriend?
What do you think?

18. First thing you do after watching a movie?
Get up from the seat and rush out of the theater.

19. Do you wash the dishes in your house?
Rarely but when I do, I do them really good and spotless.

20. Can you last two days without a bath?
I think so as I have high endurance but ... two days without a bath, I will probably be nuts by then, so what's the point?!

23. Still go to the mall with your parents?
Yes, most of the times actually. It’s not as bad as you think. Firstly, you don’t have to spend your own money. Secondly, you don’t end up buying crap that you don’t need. Finally, you get a free, comfortable, safe ride to and fro and free eats on the way!

25. Are you brand conscious?
Unfortunately, yes but not to the extent of spending wads of cash on my favourite EIC or Passages shirt which costs a bomb. I wait for sales. Patience ... patience (you now know what to get me for my birthday).

26. Ever fell in love?
Not sure about what is love in the first place.

27. What time is it?
1.45 am, sorry for the late post, y'all!

28. Where are you?
Home Sweet Home.

29. Is it in you to kill someone?
I don’t think so. But you can never be too sure?

30. Daydream a lot?
Yes. Like duh!

31. Happy with your life?
Could be better but yes, satisfied for now.

33. Favorite place to eat in a mall?
Depends on which mall. Any place is fine by me as long as it is clean and has good food to eat.

So, if you thought you knew me, now you know better and if you didn't know me before, now you know me!


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