Sunday, July 12, 2009

Apples and Oranges: The Search for the Balance between Opposing Worlds

It is inevitable that things will never be the same as you left it.
Either you would have fast-forwarded or worse ... degenerated.

Suddenly you realize: how did I get here?
Why is everyone speaking Greek and Latin?
When did everything known and safe change?
Ultimately ... the "Why am I so in the dark ages?" question will pop up and there is little remedy to that except going on thinking and thinking about choices and fate until you sound psychotic (pretty much like now).

The other end is equally unpleasant: dealing with cavemen is not easy, thank you very much.

And where are we? Right in the middle.
Stuck in this stalemate, we are resigned to make do with what we have.
Not a bad thing, actually.
Greener pastures do not exist, we form them.
We have to fertilize, plough, seed and weed our niche.

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In that, maybe we would
find that elusive golden mean,
where true happiness and peace lies,
where life's very framework lies.

To own the sense of independence, the deciding-stroke of your destiny and to live.
What a hope!

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