Friday, August 8, 2008


Don't know why I am suddenly into food but well they say you appreciate something when it is not there right?

Right now (I am not starving) but well let just say I am just eating to live. I normally live to eat. With pasta, potatoes (I'M LOVING IT) and goodness knows how many other great things not available here, it is no wonder I sometimes have the craving.

Either way, I am not sure whether I will continue on with the food series but anyway, this was a recently thought to me simple recipe which makes a great lunch:

Potato Salad
Find good potatoes, mayo, raisins, apples and whatever you feel to your liking and add them to the proportion you please and chill. It is that simple. Yeah, do not forget to boil the potatoes first and go easy on the mayo (really, you don't want to overdo it).

And tuck in!

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