Monday, February 25, 2008

Illness, Disease and Sickness

Sorry for being out (you are going to here these sorrys more often, rest assured) but today I found something curiously interesting.

How well are you? That's the question.

There are actually three ways we actually perceive the well being of someone; illness if the person is not feeling good but physiologically find. Goodness knows, whether Monday blues qualifies for this.

The next being disease in which the poor soul might feel fine while something is wrong or really wrong for asymptomatic cases. Better please check those weird lumps or bumps, they could something much, much worse!

While sickness is something that is sanctioned by the society on the individual, I think (I am not too sure about this; I will check and clarify later). And since society is the major determinant here, you know how vicious they can get. People with conditions like cleft lip get "looked" at a little bit too often while outpouring sympathy happens if someone breaks a toenail. Typical society...

So, if you are not feeling upto the mark, are you ill, diseased or plainly sick?

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